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tv   NEWS CH8 7PM  NBC  February 11, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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>> it's 7:00. and the station that is on your side is on your schedule. 8 at 7:00 begins new. >> good evening. 8 is on your side following up on the gulf port sewage situation. for the past several days the beaches and marina have been open but clam bayou remains closed due to high bacteria levels. chip osowski joins us live. i understand the city of saint petersburg is now finally george hardying kind of vocal about all of this.
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a lot of business owners andty leaders are blaming a saint petersburg sewage dump for the closures here but environmental testing proves that is not the case. explain that to kurt. he owns kayak nature adventures. since the sewage dump, his business has almost got out of business. >> devastating is the word i would use. i have only been able to put kayaks on the water ten days out of the past seven months. >> reporter: in august, heavy rains pushed their southern most sewage treatment plant past its limits forcing them to dump 15 million gallons of raw sewage. since the dump, the city hired an independent environmental consultant claiming the effects were temporary and appear to have been of short duration and
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source of impact. it concludes by saying the discharge moved through the pond and the bayou too quickly to have a long term residual impact. >> when you look at it, you can't see it and you can't smell it. it is just an odorless contamination that can be extremely dangerous to some. >> reporter: he, like many, want a solution. he tells me he can't in good conscience send his customers into clam bayou. and nature adventures will be back open for business tomorrow. he will launch his kayaks out of the marina and urges customers to kayak around the beaches and steer clear of clam bayou, i'm chip osowski, newschannel8. tonight, polk detectives say tampa international airport
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cape coral on sexstortion charges. lucas bales contacted an 11- year-old through the kik messaging app. he called himself daddy and threatened to set the girl's house on fire or said he would post her address online if she didn't post videos of herself. tonight, an 18-year-old student is behind bars accused of loading his gun riding the bus to school. we told you about this arrest last night, but now the question is what was he intending to? rod carter asks officials. >> reporter: jamarcus simms. we got our first look at jamarcus simms, the 18-year-old caught loading a firearm on the bus yesterday morning. >> you have three charges, possession of a firearm on school property. >> reporter: he was on his way to brandon alternative school
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what he was doing and called a relative who called 911. the judge had tough words for simms. >> obviously, there is no place for guns on school property or specifically in this case, a school bus. >> reporter: thanks to an alert student, whatever he was planning never happened. rod carter, newschannel8. credit card skimmers are appearing in more gas stations across the bay area. sarasota. john rogers shows you how to >> reporter: this morning a skimming device was found at this exxon on tamiami trail. it is the second one found in a week the tampa area. >> the latest technology is blue tooth so they don't have crime. >> reporter: when you go to pump your gas, there are some yourself.
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if it is open, stay away. after you get home, check over your bank statements. if you have unauthorized charges you should call your bank. and keep checking the statements because crooks often save the numbers only to use them years later. in sarasota, john rogers, 8 on your side. a new residential development is going up in downtown lake lan. but it could cause parking problems. novae will have shops north of bay street. some near business owners are worried it will cause problems for their customers. >> you can't rely on your customers that have always been here. you have to always be building, finding new people. and they are not going to find
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>> the project is expected to year. the governor's desk. it allows dog owners to contest an automatic death sentence when their dog bites someone. that dog was named after padi the dog from bradenton. it passed the florida senate with unanimous support. tonight, there are two newly diagnosed cases of the zika virus in florida. the statewide total is at 18. the bay area total remains at three. all of which are in hillsborough county. all of these cases were travel related. so if you want to travel cheap, pack your bug spray. concerns over the zika virus are taking a big bite out of vacation prices. our own penny pincher peter bernard shows us the bargains out there. >> reporter: the evicts of the zika virus are devastating. doctors believe there is a connection between the virus
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babies with small heads and brains. it is expanding rapidly. >> you can find deals to the caribbean, brazil. >> reporter: zika combined with terrorism and the plunging stock market is forcing travel prices down. travelers are being cautious. >> we are seeing some people who are concerned thinking about altering their itinerary. very few cancellations. we have had a couple of pregnant woman who want to ere on the side of caution. >> reporter: cruise credits? the zika virus could be your ticket to a cheaper trip. peter bernard, newschannel8. if you did not get outside today, boy did you miss it. it was awesome. >> you should be penalized. >> a fine or something. >> exactly. lashes. i don't know. [ laughter ] >> it was a beautiful day. >> it was really nice. a little chilly.
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>> it has been so cool, we had 58. it really helps to lift your spirits. so our forecast says we should have plenty of that. 69 degrees for a high friday tomorrow. 67 degrees for saturday. we will pick up a few clouds as a cold front slides into the area. for sunday, we might see a few clouds later in the day with stronger easterly winds. but monday, 73 degrees for a high temperature dipping a bit as you can see. upper 60s near 70. the average line is what we watch for and what we expect this time of year. 57 degrees. clear water, largo, treasure island. these are the current numbers already falling into the 50s . not a big surprise when the skies are clear and the winds are light. further to the northed, 51 degrees. chilly in brooksville. 60. 55 in crystal river. the forecast lows for tonight,
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43 temple terrace. 47 in north port. we will have more on the weekend forecast. does include a cold front and we will have it for you shortly. still ahead on 8 at 7:00. >> a tuskegee airman comes to mcdill air force base to celebrate black history month. i'll have that story coming up. >> three-and-a-half years after our 8 on your side investigation exposed shoddy home construction, results. hefty penalties and big fines. >> that and more coming up.
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>> a big crowd of airmen at
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george hardy. visit captivated them. back then. 19, 20, 21 years old. >> reporter: when it comes to bravery of world war ii fighter pilots, you could say lieutenant colonel george hardy dying breed. >> no more than 22 are left of group. >> reporter: lieutenant colonel hardy was only 19 years old when he joined the air force. he is about to turn 91 and one of the things he never thought american president. >> my wife brought a sticker back that said obama 08. i said what is this? he doesn't stand a chance. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he and his crew were on the front lines battling everything from racism to war.
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common virtue that helped this country win the war. at mcdill air force brace, anthony allred, newschannel8. your next vacation may be a bit cheaper than you expected. find out what is happening with air fares coming up. also ahead, have you ever seen a manatee go to these lengths for a snack?
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>> a rough day for investors. the dow jones is down nearly 400 points early in the day but rebounded slightly. the s&p was down 22 and the nasdaq dropped 16. there is a big price to pay for the 2008 economic melt down. morgan stanley will pay $3.2 billion. the deal was negotiated by a group appointed by president obama back in 2012. a large portion of that money will go back to individual states. it is getting cheap tore buy an airline ticket. domestic fares just hit a six year low. it reports the average ticket price was down more than 6%
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2015 making the average ticket price $372 dropping jet fuel air fares. ford must be hoping the gas prices stay low. it announced it will launch years. demand for bigger cars will continue to surge throughout the next decade as baby boomers and millennials demand more. it is not known when or where the new models will appear. older americans are looking for love online. there is a big jump in the number of baby boomers fining romance in cyber space. a new survey by pugh research says the number of 55 to 64- year-olds on dating websites has doubled since 2013. other groups are doing more dating through the web. use of dating apps and websites has nearly tripled for those aged 18 to 24 in the past three years.
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investigation, kb home is forced to pay up. we reveal construction by kb that was so shoddy, entire buildings. now, more than three years later, as shannon behnken shows homeowners. >> reporter: first, 8 on your side uncovered moldy balconies bradenton. dozens of homeowners turned to us when their builder, kb home ignored their construction peeled back the layers of bad construction and took you within the walls of a condominium that didn't even have enough screws to hold the walls together. >> all of the two by fours top and bottom are supposed to have a strap in here. a hurricane strap. especially at this elevation. this is the third floor. >> reporter: we discovered followed.
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charge of the building didn't seem concerned. >> so how is it possible these things were missed? >> i don't know that anything was missed by inspections. nothing has been verified that anything was missed. >> reporter: but after our persistence, even county officials realized there were catastrophic problems and major safety issues. >> we don't know where it is coming from. but the same thing that appears policies have happened in the back. water got in and deteriorating the decking. >> reporter: so did attorney general pam bondi who launched her own investigation. now, kb home is paying a big price. the ag settlement requires kb to fix homes up to ten years old, plus fork over $6.5 million in fines.
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your side. well, a manatee with the munchies is getting a lot of attention online today. the crystal river national wildlife refuge complex posted this video. and that was shot by fish and wildlife volunteer kathy lemer. you don't usually see manatees climb to this height to have a snack. what is he having? spanish moss? got a lot of company with his fellow manatees around that area getting in the springs to try to stay warm. but ... that is pretty ambitious for a manatee. temperatures will be near the 60s . but could top out near 70 degrees in the afternoon largely thank to sunshine. so warm in the sunshine. little bit cool if you are headed out early today. you could definitely need a jacket for the early part of the day. the possibility of a sweater or maybe a blanket. just stay warm early in the daytime 55 degrees at 9:00 p.m. temps falling through the 50s under clear skies.
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50 degrees at 4:00 a.m., clear skies, no problems, no freeze warnings for tonight. as we mentioned, we bottomed out at 42 this morning nor a low. brooksville got down to 30 degrees. this area of high pressure is still over us providing this very stable atmosphere. 59 degrees tampa international airport. winds are much lighter than they were 24 hours ago with this area of high pressure helping the temperatures to drop last night. this low, you can see just hanging to the north, this low will travel to the east. eventually drag a front through here on saturday. not a big deal. not expecting precipitation. may add a few clouds to the region. the only clouds today were across south florida. the keys, places like miami kind of breezing from west to east in the overall flow. forecast models show the area of high pressure around. you can see the increase of clouds to the north. maybe a few high clouds in the sky. plenty of sunshine with highs in the upper 60s . that saturday morning, a few clouds not expecting precipitation
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by the afternoon, a lot of sunshine as the front push to the south. a little breezier. sunday, we could add a few clouds around in the afternoon. so the next three days our temperatures look nice. 69 degrees friday. 6 # for saturday. the rain chances do kick back up later on monday into the early part of tuesday. a little area of low pressure sneaking on through. wednesday and thursday, temperatures up near 70 degrees. very typical this time of year. eight or nine days out, we could get back into the mid 70s . we have been so cool for so long. that long. you were the valedictorian of your class. >> i was. graduation. >> you did. you said all these nice things. >> so much older than you. >> we'll be right back. don't forget, you can tune in
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our tone jeff patterson is in cuba following a delegation of lawmakers to havana. you can watch his reports tonight at 11:00. >> plus, love is in the air. here is what you will see tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. >> antivalentine. i'm going to show you how to be happy with yourself and your
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features florida shrimp and clams. first saut\ olive oil, vegetables, and sausage, simmer until ready. now add the fresh florida shrimp and clams. things are getting delicious! once the shrimp is ready and clams have opened, add the final touch of creamy butter and juicy tomatoes; garnish with parsley and serve over rice. and that's how easy it is
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for more recipes. remember, delicious is always served fresh from florida. >> the group okay go is famous for making catchy music videos filmed in one shot. but for their latest one, they went to new heights.
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[ singing ] >> yeah. and it just gets more incredible from there. as the guys fly around with dozens of balls, a few piatas and some paint filled balloons. the video received millions of views one hours of dropping on facebook this morning. worth a look. a home in manhattan beach, california probably doesn't fit with the neighborhood standards. george sweeney covered the home with pictures taken by his late father. he purchased the house in 1955, passed away in 2000, now gary is selling the house and it will be torn down in a couple of months to make way for condos. until then, it will stand as an art gallery. i think that is a brilliant tribute. and, i mean, just a cool idea. >> a lot of personal memories
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>> what a great way to say good- bye to it. oh, ten seconds left. we have to goful too late, got to go, bye! see you at 11:00! new video, khloe and lamar hopping on a private jet. are they back on after his near deadly overdose? now, on "extra." >> khloe and her ex lamar looking happy together as they head to new york. what they're doing with kim and kanye. teresa giudice telling a.j. all about sex behind bars. >> a lot of hook-ups. >> and why everyone was watching "extra" in prison. whatever. >> after he famously fired her on "the apprentice," would she vote for the donald?
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barbs about hillary. then, a year after her catastrophe, madonna suffers a vail fail. only on "extra," adam levine bleach blonde, revealing his secret weapon. >> how would that make you feel? plus, inside oprah's massive closet. >> really big. >> why she's cleaning house. and we're with viola davis talking about taking a bullet on tonight's "how to get away with murder." >> he's a bad boy. >> now on "extra" from universal studios hollywood, the entertainment capital of l.a. hey, everyone. welcome to "extra." i'm mario lopez. secrets from the big bachelor wedding special. is the current bachelor ben getting married on tv? also coming up, mario, a hollywood divorce shocker. guess who has to pay her ex-husband nearly half a million dollars a year. but first, khloe kardashian and ex lamar odom together this
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he looks happy and healthy, so what's really going on with the famous exes? >> their caught on camera getaway making major headlines. his recovery nothing short of a miracle. brand-new video walking, talking, and boarding a private jet. lamar odom back in action with wife khloe kardashian almost four months to the day after being found unconscious at a las vegas area brothel. >> every day is better and better, thank goodness. >> the odoms still legally married, but not romantically involved. in new york today to attend kanye west's season three fashion show. all his brain function and speech believed to be almost completely recovered. >> right now they have to stabilize all of his organs. >> khloe and lamar joining an already in progress kardashian family new york fashion week takeover. the youngest sister kylie jenner in a front row shock show wearing this body suit.


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